A Comparison of PSNR, WSNR and ESNR Evaluation Methods for The Two Value Modulated Images

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


We have proposed an objective evaluation method using ESNR as the measure of approximation by the visual model, which coincides with MOS, a subjective evaluation method. For two-value images, we have used five kinds of modulation methods: 1) ordered dither, 2) least mean error, 3) pulse density low division, 4) simple two-value, and 5) random dither methods. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the validity of ESNR, by comparing the proposed method together with the existing representative methods such as PSNR and WSNR, with the subjective method MOS. The results of a series of experiments show that the ranking by MOS coincides with ESNR, though does not coincides with PSNR and WSNR.



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