Measuring Service Quality for Older Adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities

  • Seo Sunhee (Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
  • Published : 2005.05.01


In order to promote foodservice for older adults, foodservice directors in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) must identify the dimensions used by residents to evaluate the service quality of dining service. A multidimensional measure of perceived service quality was developed based on residents' responses about their experiences with dining service. A survey was administered to residents in two CCRCs. Based on the results of principal component analysis, this study identified four dimensions: food quality, dining room employee's attitude and service skills, dining room employee's safety and cleanliness, and systemization of service delivery process. A new dimension that reflects residents' concern for the dining mom employees' safety and cleanliness also emerged. 1bis study points to areas of improvement for food quality and dining room employee's safety and cleanliness.



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