Chronic Alcohol Consumption Induced Tibial Bone Loss and Resulted in Osteopenia in Growing Young Male Rats

  • Kwak Chung Shil (Aging and Physical Culture Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
  • Song Kye Yong (Department of Pathology, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine) ;
  • Park Sang Chul (Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


To determine the deleterious effects of chronic alcohol consumption on bone especially in adolescents or young adults, 8 week-old Sprague Dawley male rats were fed with Lieber-Decarli ethanol liquid diet, containing $36\%$ of energy as ethanol, ad libitum (ethanol group) or isocaloric normal liquid diet (control group) for 7 weeks. Body weight was significantly lower in ethanol group than that in control group after 1 week of feeding to the end. liver weight and the ratio of liver or kidney weight to body weight in ethanol group were significantly increased when compared to those in control group. Ethanol group showed significantly lower serum protein and albumin levels (p<0.05), higher total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels (p<0.05), and AST, ALT and BUN activities than control group, but serum triglyceride, Ca and phosphate levels were not different. Ethanol group had significantly lower tibial trabecular bone area and serum osteocalcin level than control group (p<0.05), but urinary Ca and NTx (cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen) concentrations and serum testosterone and parathyroid hormone levels were not different. In conclusion, chronic alcohol consumption in growing young male rats may result in osteopenia through the reduction of bone formation as well as liver malfunction.



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