인터넷 쇼핑몰이 갖는 품질요인이 사용자 신뢰와 수용에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

Exploring the Influence of the Internet Shopping Mall's Quality Factors on User Trust and Acceptance

  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


As the electronic commerce has grown dramatically, visiting the Internet shopping malls is accepted as one of our daily life. Despite many studies about user acceptance of the Internet shopping malls, it still remains unanswered how the Internet shopping mall's three quality factors such as system qualify, Information qualify, and service quality affect user trust, and eventually user acceptance of the mall. To investigate this issue, we propose a research model in which six external factors such as three qualify factors as well as self-efficacy, subjective norm, and trust have a significant impact on user's attitude and intention to use the mall. After garnering 244 valid questionnaires from users, we analyze them with structural equation modeling. Experiment results show that the Internet shopping mall's three quality factors such as system quality, information qualify, and service quality significantly Influence user trust for the mall, which in turn impacts user's perceived usefulness, attitude toward using the mall. Another external factors such as self-efficacy and subjective norm also influence user's perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness respectively, affecting user's attitude altogether. Implications and further research directions are presented.



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