쌍극자전하분포를 가진 정전섬유를 이용한 대전된 초미립자의 집진

Ultrafine Particle Collection Using an Electret Fiber with a Dipole Charge Distribution

  • Lee Myong-Hwa (Environmental Engineering Science Program, Washington University) ;
  • Otani Yoshio (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kanazawa University) ;
  • Kim Jong-Ho (Department of Environment Engineering, Hanseo University) ;
  • Kim Shin-Do (Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


An electret fiber with a dipole charge distribution was used to capture charged ultrafine particles in this study. Brownian diffusion and Coulombic force are the dominant collection mechanisms in the electret filtration of charged ultrafine particles. The interaction between Brownian diffusion and Coulombic force for the deposition of ultrafine particles onto a dipolarly charged fiber is studied by solving the convective diffusion equation including Coulombic force as an external force, and the numerical results are compared with the experimental data. As a result, it is shown that there is a negative interaction between Brownian diffusion and Coulombic force, i.e., Coulombic capture efficiency is reduced with decreasing Pe. These results suggest that Brownian diffusion and Coulombic capture efficiency, $\eta$$_{CD}$ is not a simple sum of Brownian diffusion efficiency, $\eta$$_{D}$ and Coulombic capture efficiency, $\eta$$_{C}$.



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