$\cdot$보수성 시멘트 콘크리트 포장의 열환경 특성( I )

Thermal Environment Characteristics of Permeable Cement Concrete Pavement( I )

  • 류남형 (진주산업대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 유병림 (서울대학교 환경대학원)
  • Ryu Nam-Hyong (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Jinju National Univ.) ;
  • Yoo Byung-Rim (Graduate School of Environment Studies, Seoul National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


This study was undertaken to measure and analyze the thermal environment characteristics of the grey permeable cement concrete pavement(GPCCP), the permeable cement concrete brick pavement(PCCBP) compared with impermeable cement concrete pavement(ICCP) and bare soil(BS) under the summer outdoor environment. Following is a summary of major results. 1) The peak surface temperature was greatest in the GPCCP$(54.2^{\circ}C)$ followed by ICCP$(47.2^{\circ}C)$ rut August 2, 2002, the hottest day$(35.3^{\circ}C\;of\;highest\;temperature)$ during the experiment; peak temperature in the ICCP and BS were $45.5^{\circ}C)$ and $45.3^{\circ}C)$ respectively. 2) Analysis of heat budget of the pavements has revealed that the heat environment was worse in the GPCCP than that in the ICCP and that this was mainly due to a low albedo in the former(0.2) relative to that of the latter(0.4). 3) Analysis of heat budget of the pavements has revealed that the heat environment was worse in the GPCCP than that in the PCCBP, BS and that this was mainly due to a decreased latent heat resulting from a time dependent decreasing impact of rainfall. 4) It is necessary to make cool pavements to further studies on light-colored surface materials for attaining high albdo and construction methods which can enhance the latent heat through the continuous evaporation from pavements surface. 5) Vertical arrangement of pavement layers has not been considered in the present study, which has been focuses on the heat characteristics of the surface layer materials. Accordingly, future studies will have to be empasized on pavement methods including the vertical arrangement of the pavement layers.



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