Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Zooplankton in Gwangyang and Sachon Bay, Korea

  • Kim Saywa (Division of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Yong-In University)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


Zooplankton dynamics were investigated based on samples collected monthly during the period between November 1998 and October 1999 at 15 stations in Gwangyang and Sachon Bay. Zooplankters were quantitatively collected with horizontal towing through the surface and oblique hauling from the bottom to surface at each station, simultaneously. A total of 88 taxa of zooplankton were distributed and 60 taxa were identified to species. Copepods showed the prosperity in species number of 52 species. Number of taxa occurred in samples hauled obliquely always showed $2\~5$ more species than those captured in the surface except for stations near the Namhae bridge. In waters near Namhae bridge, fast current seemed to mix waters vertically. Seasonally these differences were more distinct in the spring and summer than those in other seasons possibly due to the stratification in warmer seasons. In quantitative aspects, differences between two layers seemed to be obscure. Spatial and temporal variations in species diversity of copepods showed more prosperity in pelagic realm than those in the surface. Our collection carrying out in day time might be one of the important reason to cause these differences in zooplankton dynamics between two layers.



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