서비스 품질이 고객만족과 상점애호도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 대구지역 백화점 고객을 중심으로 -

Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Store Patronage among Department Store Customers in Daegu

  • 박광희 (계명대학교 패션마케팅전공)
  • 발행 : 2005.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate service quality of department stores located in Daegu and to examine the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and store patronage. Data(N=285) were analyzed, using factor analysis, 1-test, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results suggest that service quality was divided into 3 dimensions (reliability, tangibles, empathy) and that service quality enhanced customer satisfaction and store patronage. Specifically, tangibles had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, and reliability had a positive effect on store patronage. Also, personal characteristics were related to service quality, customer satisfaction and store patronage. For instance, male customers evaluated tangibles of service quality more positively than female customers. The married evaluated service quality, customer satisfaction and store patronage more positively than the single. While people aged above 36 yews evaluated reliability and empathy of service quality more positively than people aged below 35 years, people in their 20s evaluated tangibles more positively than people in their 30s. People in a higher income bracket (i. e., \301,000,000- \400,000,000) evaluated reliability and empathy of service quality and store patronage most positively, while people in a lower bracket (i. e., below \200,000,000) evaluated most negatively.



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