간작재배가 수수 X 수단그라스 교잡종의 1, 2, 3차 예취시 생육특성, 생산성 및 기호성 변화에 미치는 영향

Effect of Inter-Cropping on the Growth Characteristics, Yield and Palatability of Sorghum X Sudangrass Hybrid in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cutting Time.

  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


This experiment was carried out to determine on the growth characteristics, yield and palatability in mono-cropping(T1; sorghum $\times$ sudagrass hybrid, T2; soybean) and inter-cropping[T3; sorghum $\times$ sudagrass hybrid(1) + soybean(2)]. The results obtained are summarizes follows; In plant length. leaf length, leaf width and stem diameter of sorghum $\times$ sudagrass hybrid(SSH). T3(1) was lower than T1 at 1st cutting time. But in 2nd and 3rd cutting time. T3(1) was higher than T1 Stem diameter of T2 was higher than soybean of T3(2). but plant length, leaf length and leaf width of T2 were higher than T3(1). The leaf ratio of SSH in T3(1) was higher than T1 in the first cutting time, but T3(1) was higher than T1 at 2nd and 3rd cutting time. The number of tiller of T1 was higher than SSH of T3(1) at 1st cutting time, but T3(1) was higher than T1 at 2nd and 3rd cutting time. Dead stubble rate of SSH in T3(1) showed a little lower value than T1. Dry matter and fresh yield of T1 was higher than T2 and T3. But protein yield of T3 was higher than T1 The palatability of 1st cutting time was 100.0. 76.8 and $18.5\%$ on T2, T3 and T1, respectively.



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