A Study On Preprocessing of Fingerprint Image Using Multi-Scale Roof Edges

다척도 지붕에지 검출방법을 이용한 지문영상의 전처리에 대한 연구

  • 김수겸 (목포해양대학교 기관시스템공학부)
  • Published : 2005.03.01


A new roof edge detection method based on multi level scales of wavelet function is proposed in this paper roof edge and its direction are obtained in this new methods at one time. Besides. scale characteristics of detecting roof edge is analyzed. And a few new methods on fingerprint image pre-processing are described. A method segmenting foreground/background of fingerprint images is proposed, in which Prior estimation of direction field is not required any more. A segmentation method based on multi-scale roof edges is implemented. and the valid scale range of the method is defined. too. And the method is used to segment ridges and valleys in fingerprint images simultaneously The exact direction fields made up of the direction of each point in ridges can be obtained when detecting ridges exactly based on the roof edge detector, in comparison with the traditional coarse estimation of direction fields. Obviously. it will establish a solid foundation for the sequent fingerprint identification.



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