The Differentiation on the Plant Flora and Vegetation Caused by the Different Technique of Stream Restoration at the Seo-Ho Stream

하천 조성 기법에 따른 서호천 식생 및 식물상의 차이 비교

  • Received : 2004.03.17
  • Published : 2004.06.30


It is expected that the different techniques of stream restoration could be caused the different conditions of the stream ecosystem. The study was to investigate and compare plants and vegetation clusters of appearing plant species in the upper and lower section of the Seo-Ho stream, It was classified and listed all of the plants appeared in the upper and lower section of the stream, It was used the belt-transect method and Unweighted pair group method using arithmetic algorithm in order to examine and analyzed discover the vegetation clusters, In the result, 28 families and 114 species appeared in the upper section, In the other side, 26 families and 93 species appeared in the lower section of the steam. The naturalized index of the upper section was 21%, and that of the lower section was 27%. In addition, the upper section has more various geographical features than lower section of the stream. So that, consequently the study shows that the different techniques of stream restoration could be caused the different growth of the stream ecosystem.
