The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for improving athletic performances by analyzing the kinematic variables of the Double Backward Somersault on the Parallel Bars through the 3D motion analysis. The subjects in this study were 5 male gymnasts who were ranked as national athletes. The results are as follows. 1. A total time(Mean Time) of performance showed $2.72{\pm}0.82\;sec$. and flight time to landing after releasing was 0.87sec.(mean). In order to perform better stable flying movement, the flight time should be increased. 2. In the change of velocity of the center of mass, when the increasing ascension velocity of the upper point was high, the position in the top point was high on releasing. 3. In the position variable of the center of mass, the mean of upper-bottom position in horizontal posture was $242.1{\pm}6.5cm$, $232.8{\pm}6.4cm$ in releasing, and $265.0{\pm}5.6cm$ in the highest point. This result is explained that the position of center of mass can be raised by using elastic power when wrist raised the bar in the releasing movement. 4. The angle of shoulder joint was $271.1{\pm}14.0$. Such a big angle influences a negative effect on the releasing velocity, because trunk is not a position in the enough vertical direction. 5. The ankle of hip joint in hand-standing was $191.1{\pm}5.9$, $118.8{\pm}5.3$ in releasing, and $122.3{\pm}5.3$ in taking on. Therefore, the result suggests that trunk should be straightly raised in taking on.