Comparison of the kinematic analysis of grand battement Jeté á la seconde in center between skilled and unskilled ballet majors

발레 숙련도에 따른 센터에서 Grand Battement Jeté á la seconde 동작의 운동학적 비교 분석

  • Published : 2004.08.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate time of the phase, angle of the right ankle, knee, and hip joint, lateral angle of the trunk, mediolateral displacement of COM, and vertical displacement of COM between two groups while executing grand battement $jet{\acute{e}}$ $\acute{a}$ la seconde in a center exercise setting through 3D video analysis. The subjects participated in this study were skilled and unskilled 6 female ballet majors in Busan, respectively. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The time of the phase 2 was faster than P3. It shows a significant difference(p<.05) for P1 and P4 between skilled and unskilled groups 2. The angle of He right ankle joint has a significant difference(p<.05) at E4 between skilled and unskilled groups. The angle of the right knee joint has no significant difference at all events between skilled and unskilled groups. The angle of the right hip joint has a significant difference(p<.001) at E3 between skilled and unskilled groups. 3. The lateral angle of the trunk has a significant difference(p<.05) at E1 and at E5 between skilled and unskilled groups. The skilled group of the lateral angle of the trunk was lower than the unskilled group. However the skilled group's lateral angle of the trunk was bigger than the unskilled group at E3. It has significant difference(p<.001) at E3 between skilled and unskilled groups. 4. The mediolateral displacement of COM has no significant difference at all events between skilled and unskilled groups. The vertical displacement of COM has a significant difference(p<.01) at E3 between skilled and unskilled groups.



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