Analysis of the angular momentum on the lower extremity by change of starting block angles

스타트 블록의 각도에 따른 하지의 각운동량 분석

  • Published : 2004.12.31


The aim of this study is to show the effect of starting block angle on the starting motion of sprinters using a crouching start. After installing starting blocks on forced platform, and having four highly comparative sprinters use the starting blocks, I analyzed the angular momentum of a crouching start. From the results of the analysis, the following conclusions could be drawn: There were differences of angular momentum both in body's X, Y, and Z axes and in the thighs' X axes, but not in the pelvis and lower legs. As to the general change of block angle, we noticed that an angular momentum for each segments was higher at an angle of 50 to 55 degrees.



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