동(東)아프리카 지역(地域)에서 광범위(廣範圍)하게 착용(着用)하는 Kanga개념(槪念) 연구(硏究)

A Study on Kanga Fundanental Notion of Apparel Widely Throughout East Africa

  • 강은숙 (광주대학교 디자인학부 의상디자인)
  • Kang, Eun-Sook (Division of Design. College of Arts. Gwang-Ju University)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.30


Kanga is a type of cotton clothes with splendid patterns that East African women throw on their bodies. It first appeared in the East African shores in the mid-nineteenth century. A new style of squared handkerchiefs brought to Africa by Portuguese merchants for the first time was referred as to leso of which early designs were in a basic form of white dots on dark background. Consumers called such material by kanga as they began mentioning its craftiness and comparing its elegant nature to a sociable red rooster and graceful feathers. From the early 1990s, Swahili characters have been embroidered in designs of kanga, mainly consisted of proverbs. Kenya's kanga products are widely known and well represented whereas Tanzania makes the best use of it for political and social events. Fascinating and practical kanga has established its position as an essential part of East African cultures that is being well received as a fashion style there in these days.



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  16. •플랑기란 용어는 홀치기염(tie-dye), 판염(flood-dye), 그리고 바느질 염(tnitik) 등 여러 종류의 방염 기법들의 일반적인 용어이다. •바틱은 蠟染(납염)이란 뜻의 자바어로 녹말, 찹쌀풀, 콩으로 만든 풀뿐만 아니라 뜨거운 왁스, 송진, 파라핀 또는 젖은 진흙을 이용하여 염색해 내는 방염기법을 말한다. •이카트는 말레이란 인도네시아어에서 유래된 것으로 묶다, 매다, 감다라는 뜻의 멩 이카드(Mengikat)라는 동사의 어간에 근거를 두고 있다. •컷 파일은 실에 매듭을 넣어서 뽑아낸 후 칼날로 실 끝을 잘라내 마치 벨벳이나 카페트처럼 보이게 하는 기법. 선의 밝고 어두움의 반복형태에 의해 연속무늬를 나타내는 기법을 말한다
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