온라인 게임 리니지II 캐릭터 패션에 나타난 바디 이미지 분석(分析)

The Analysis of Body-Image on the On-Line Game Lineage II Character Fashion

  • 진경옥 (동명정보대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 서정립 (동명정보대학교 패션뷰티대학원)
  • Jin, Kyung-Ok (Dept. of Fashion Design, TongMyong University of Information Technology) ;
  • Seo, Jung-Lip (Dept. of Fashion Design, TongMyong University of Information Technology)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.30


The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of character's body-image throughout the on-line games and with this study we researched the symbolic meaning reflected by the character's body-images throughout the fashion. The characteristics of the body-images presented in modern fashion is expressed in 4 features on Lineage II game. First, it adopts the ways in which modern fashion expresses the erotic image and represents various sexual stimulation, which can not be represented in the real world, in cyberspace. Second, it expresses the beauty and taste in sensitivity by exchanging the items, which are the features of body-image, each other as the neutral body-image and pursuits for the double side feature between males and females by dismantling the point of view to sex. Third, it shows the new value system different from the existing one by using extraordinary items and materials that you've never seen in real fashion as the abnormal body-image expressed in informal and inaccurate principal of deformation. Fourth, it show the body with the items which induces more interest and curiosity than the real world do as the humorous body-image accompanying with childish amusement and pleasure.



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