만(滿) $12{\sim}14$세(歲) 트윈 세대(世代) 남학생(男學生)의 의복(衣服) 착용실태(着用實態) 및 맞음새 연구(硏究)

Actual Wearing Conditions and Fitting Problems of Ready-to-wear Garment for Tween Generation Boys aged from 12 to 14

  • 김경아 (한양대학교 한국생활과학연구소)
  • Kim, Kyung-A (Korean Living Science Research Institute, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.30


The purpose of the study is to survey the current state of tween generation boys' clothing-wearing, to identify problems in the current apparel sizing system, and to contribute to the improvement of the fitness of ready-made clothes. 1. According to the result of surveying the current state of clothing-wearing, boys prefer casual wear and, as they grow old, they tend to purchase clothes alone or in company with their friends. In addition, they use mainly easy casual wear or sports wear stores. They appear to be highly dissatisfied with price and size and think that the fitting of coats, pants and jackets is poor. Moreover, they complain about sizes such as waist circumference, pants length and upper-arm circumference. 2. According to the result of comparing apparel sizing system with body measurements, the waist circumference and hip circumference of young casual wear are fit to the large size of body at the age of 12 and the over-average size of body at the age of 13 and 14, but its bust circumference is fit only to the extra-large size of body at the age of 13 and 14. Such results come from differences in body shape between adults and adolescents. Although adolescents' body size has been enlarged, their body line is still immature and, accordingly, their drop-value is smaller than that of adults, which appears to cause adolescents to be highly dissatisfied with fitting.



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