동양회화에 있어서 형상관점의 심미

The beauty of form in Oriental painting from a realistic point of view

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The intention of the research is to look into the form reflecting the spiritual image due to Oriental aesthetic from a realistic point of view. In this regard, I will pay attention to examining the process from figurative perspectives, in which painting image by subject acquires the beauty of form. Of the main subjection this paper, figure is an image itself appearing in painting. At this point, I will attempt to show how the meaning and value of image have been interpreted and judged on the aesthetic standard in Oriental painting in particular. For this process, I generalize the conception of the image as 'figure' and through this I will reconsider the standard of understanding and the value of perception regarding painting images on the method which are more applicable to the expressions of Oriental painting. The reason why I try to find out the true nature of images in Oriental painting from a figurative viewpoint is to convert a conventional sense of value which recognizes the images of Oriental painting only as results of idealism, into more practical field. If the true nature of Oriental painting is fixed and restricted to natures of idealism, any productive development and any changes in form for future couldn't be expected at all. In fact, what the ideological and aesthetic values of art suggest is clearly a proof of real art form. However, it is not a hard thing to prospect that only a superficial idealism will be ceaselessly produced, while the practical study about aesthetic values, meaningful results of painting expressions, is totally ignored, if ideology itself is used as criteria to judge the identity of it or if only the idealistic aesthetic values are emphasized while any clue to show a real existence of oriental paintings is not certain. Actually, nobody can deny the fact that interests about real natures regarding art expressions have been relatively ignored while armed with mental ideology for esthetic view of oriental painting in traditionalism Therefore, it is clear that 'spiritual status' itself can generate any form. Traditionally, in the Orient, the standard of judging a real value of things, which put a focus on a spiritual view of value rather than on a materialistic view of it, has been vaguely positioned the identity of images in painting As a result, the aesthetic convention has finally committed to an error that for images of oriental painting, ideological criteria like so called spiritualism are applied as a judging way, and esthetic meanings and values of real painting are considered as strategic results and spiritual intentions.
