Recommended Dietary Allowances for Young Children and Food Guideline for Preschool Children in Sweden

스웨덴의 영유아 영양권장량 및 유아교육기관을 위한 급식지침

  • Park Eun-Sook (Wonkang University, Department of Home Economics Education) ;
  • Yee Young-Hwan (Chonbuk National University, Department of Home Child Studies and Housing Environment) ;
  • Lee Jin-Sook (Jeonbuk Science College, Division of Child Welfare)
  • 박은숙 (원광대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 이영환 (전북대학교 생활과학대학 아동주거학전공) ;
  • 이진숙 (전북과학대학 복지계열 아동복지전공)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


The purpose of this study is to offer information related to recommended dietary allowances for young children and food guidelines for preschool children in Sweden. Sweden, located in Europe, is the most developed country for young child care system. Swedish nutrition policy background, Swedish recommended dietary allowances for young children, and food guidelines of early childhood education center in Sweden were used. The number of Swedish child care centers increased from 70,000 in 1970 to 700,000 in 2000. The Swedish Institute of Public Health promoted children's indoor and outdoor activity. The aim of the Swedish public health contains children's safety, good food habits, and eating food safely. Swedish Food Administration made recommended dietary allowance and food guidelines for children care centers. The aim of food guidelines was to increase energy, calcium, iron, and dietary fiber intake. Swedish RDA contains minimum and maximum intake as well as mean intake for macro and micro nutrients. The fat intake ratio of energy is increased for younger children. For preschool children, the food guideline is determined by dietary allowances for breakfast, lunch, and snack respectively. Food guideline contains meal time schedule, menu for each meal using food model, amount of food for age group, and recommended dietary allowance for each meal. It is recommended for Korean early childhood education center: 1) Korean RDA for young children should be made range of intake, minimum and maximum intake. 2) Food guideline should be make for Korean child care center. 3) Korean child care centers should offer an afternoon snack twice for children who return home late. 4) Nutrition education program for preschool teachers should be developed for children's good eating habits and health promotion.



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