The Long-Term Effects of Parental Divorce or Separation on Childhood, Adolescent and Adult Psychosocial Health in UK

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Parents' marital conflicts are often linked to various emotional and behavioural difficulties of their children but rarely known about later adolescent and adult lives. This study was undertaken to examine if serious parental conflict such as divorce and/or separation in childhood was associated with emotional and social performance during later adolescent and adult lives. The research literature on divorce was briefly reviewed. The data was derived from the National Child Development Study (NCDSS 1974/age 16 - 1991/age 33) which followed the lives of 17,500 individuals born on March 3-9, 1958 in England, Scotland and Wales. Regression analyses indicate strong evidence that the experience of parental divorce or separation in childhood negatively affects the child's emotional and social performance in their subsequent life. The higher likelihood of having emotional problems, being less competent at their job, experiencing health/disability problems, being a lone-parent, unemployed, and homeless were strongly associated with parental divorce or separation experienced in childhood. Intervention is desirable to address the concerns influencing socio-psychological performance amongst children who have experienced parental divorce or separation.



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