소비자의 쇼핑성향과 소매점속성이 소매점 애고의도에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Attribute on Store Patronage Intentions

  • 남미우 (서경대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 김광경 (우송정보대학 토탈패션계열)
  • Nam Miwoo (Department of Fashion Design, Seokyeong univ.) ;
  • Kim Kwangkyung (Department of Total Fashion, woosong Information college.)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


The primary objective of this study was to employ Darden's store patronage model in order to investigate the role that shopping orientation and store attributes play in store patronage. The study sample consisted of 340 female university students residing in Seoul. The data was analyzed by using path analysis and factor analysis. The recreational shopping orientation played a greater role in influencing the importance of store attributes than did the convenience shopping orientation. Recreational shoppers want a variety of brands and convenience shoppers can be attracted by a convenient location and availability of parking. Six important store attributes(variety of products and price level, proximity, variety of trendy brands, store decor, sales promotion, sales personnel) have a differential influence on store patronage. Shopping orientation was a direct predictor of patronage behavior and mediated the relationship between shopping orientation and store attribute importance. The finding indicated that both the recreational shopping orientation and convenience shopping orientation can be used effectively to position store patronage in such a way as to provide a strong means for shoppers to satisfy their needs. The findings of this study demonstrated that South Korean female shoppers with different shopping orientation have different store attribute preference and store patronage. The results provide a basis for building a successful strategy to attract shoppers and generate sales. The study focused on a specific product category, i.e., women's apparel. To meet the needs of female apparel shoppers, further research is needed to learn more about the distinctive characteristics of Korean consumers that could be applied to a variety of jobs, ages and living areas.



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