Risk Factors for Falls among the Community-Dwelling Elderly in Korea

  • Sohng Kyeong-Yae (College of Nursing, The catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Moon Jung-Soon (College of Nursing, The catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Song Hae-Hiang (Department of Biostatistics, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Lee Kwang-Soo (Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Kim Young-Sook (Department of Social Work, Sahm Yook University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Community-based centres were surveyed to determine the frequency of and risk factors for falls among elderly Koreans. We examined fall-related risk factors, including physiological and physical health, psychosocial functions, self-reported physical capacity and activity, vision, and the use of medication, among 351 elderly people aged 65 years or older, with ambulatory. Forty-two per cent of elderly Korean subjects reported at least one episode of falling in the previous 12 months, $38\%$ of whom had consequences that required either the attention of a physician or hospitalization. Factors significantly associated with an increased risk of falling were a restricted activity during the previous five years (adjusted OR 1.3), use of alternative therapy (adjusted OR 2.7), low knee flexor and extensor-muscle strength (adjusted OR 1.21 and 1.20), and poor balance with closed eyes (adjusted OR 8.32). We conclude that falls among older persons living in the community are common in Korea and that indicator of bad health and frailty or variables directly related to neuromuscular impairment are significant predictors of the risk of falling.



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