미숙아 어머니의 출산 후 시간 경과에 따른 스트레스 양상의 변화

The Change of the Mother's Stress Pattern with Time Elapse after Giving Birth to Premature Babies

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Purpose: This study tries to explore mothers' stress patterns and the related factors influencing mothers' stress over time after giving birth to premature babies. Method: Eighty four mothers who had given birth to premature babies were selected from Hospitals in B city. Data was collected using a self-reporting questionnaire that the mothers' stress level. Result: The mothers' stress after giving birth to premature babies gradually diminished and the stress pattern of mothers changed over time. Mother's age, occupation, income level, gestational period of the measures baby, weight at birth, nutrition type, lactation mode, number of complications, and existence or non-existence of an operation were analyzed as the factors that affected the mother's stress. Conclusion: The stress pattern of mothers giving birth to premature babies changed overtime. Based on the study results, it is considered that the nursing intervention programs should be developed in order to reduce the stress of premature baby's mothers with time elapse.



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