Strain hardening behavior of linear polymer melts

  • Hong Joung Sook (School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ahn Kyung Hyun (School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Seung Jong (School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Linear high-density polyethylene (PE) was controlled to induce strain-hardening behavior by introducing a small amount of second component with an anisotropic structure. In order to form an anisotropic structure in the PE matrix, the polymer was extruded through a twin-screw extruder, and the structure was controlled by varying the extrusion conditions. Depending on conditions, the second component formed a film, thread and droplet structure. If the second component was kept rigid, the morphology evolution could be delayed and the second component could maintain its film or thread structure without further relaxation. In par­ticular, the second component of the thread structure made a physical network and gave rise to remarkable strain hardening behavior under high extension. This study suggests a new method that induces strain hard­ening behavior by introducing a physically networked second component into the linear polymer melt. This result is anticipated to improve the processibility of linear polymers especially when extensional flow is dominant, and to contribute to our understanding of strain hardening behavior.



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