시간지연 회귀 신경회로망을 이용한 피치 악센트 인식

Automatic Recognition of Pitch Accents Using Time-Delay Recurrent Neural Network

  • Kim, Sung-Suk (School of Computer & Information, Yong-In University) ;
  • Kim, Chul (School of Computer & Information, Yong-In University) ;
  • Lee, Wan-Joo (School of Computer & Information, Yong-In University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


This paper presents a method for the automatic recognition of pitch accents with no prior knowledge about the phonetic content of the signal (no knowledge of word or phoneme boundaries or of phoneme labels). The recognition algorithm used in this paper is a time-delay recurrent neural network (TDRNN). A TDRNN is a neural network classier with two different representations of dynamic context: delayed input nodes allow the representation of an explicit trajectory F0(t), while recurrent nodes provide long-term context information that can be used to normalize the input F0 trajectory. Performance of the TDRNN is compared to the performance of a MLP (multi-layer perceptron) and an HMM (Hidden Markov Model) on the same task. The TDRNN shows the correct recognition of $91.9{\%}\;of\;pitch\;events\;and\;91.0{\%}$ of pitch non-events, for an average accuracy of $91.5{\%}$ over both pitch events and non-events. The MLP with contextual input exhibits $85.8{\%},\;85.5{\%},\;and\;85.6{\%}$ recognition accuracy respectively, while the HMM shows the correct recognition of $36.8{\%}\;of\;pitch\;events\;and\;87.3{\%}$ of pitch non-events, for an average accuracy of $62.2{\%}$ over both pitch events and non-events. These results suggest that the TDRNN architecture is useful for the automatic recognition of pitch accents.



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