The Suitability Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Housing Site Based on the Rural Villages Model

농촌마을 조성모델에 기초한 환경친화적 주거단지 입지 적합성 분석

  • 송병화 (서울대학교 환경계획연구소) ;
  • 양병이 (서울대학교 환경대학원)
  • Published : 2004.06.30


The purpose of this study is to suggest the guidelines for suitability analysis of the environmentally friendly rural village housing site. And then this study is based on the rural village model for the rural village (re)development. The suitability analysis of environmentally friendly rural village housing site is conducted on Suryon dong, Wonju, Gangwon-do. The method of analysis is to secure validaty and reliability of the exact analysis of a geographic data for a decision-making statistical analysis. The results of this study is useful to prove it conclusively site-suitability to establish a principles and to change direction for the environmentally friendly rural village and rural housing (re)development.



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