풍동실험을 통한 공동주택 지하주차장의 자연환기 성능 연구

Experimental Study on Wind-driven Ventilation in Basement Parking Lots of Apartment

  • 이시웅 (한밭대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 노지웅 (홍익대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.10


This paper aims for evaluating the wind-driven ventilation in basement parking lots of apartment. Wind tunnel tests coupled with tracer gas method were conducted, and classified by wind directions and opening types. The test results showed that, as for wind-driven ventilations, stack type openings were more successful than scuttle vent. Finally, according to Weibull distribution in Seoul, yearly averaged wind-driven ventilation rate was calculated.



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