친환경 주거단지 개발계획에 관한 이론적 고찰 -강북뉴타운 주거단지를 대상으로-

A Study of Environmentally Friendly Residential District Development -Concentrated on Gang-buk new town residential district-

  • 발행 : 2004.09.10


According to the New Town Development Plan, Gang-buk area, a symbol of slum in Seoul will be changed new residential area. There are a lot of challenges for success this project. First of all, new ways of city plan "pre-plan and development" and "environmentally friendly development" are necessary to carry out this plan. Another important idea is how to overcome conflicts such as unbalanced development, a traffic jam and environment problem. Also, Government and a citizen agree that this project have to accept eco-protectable and sustainable development theory. For increasing green area ratio and keeping eco-diversity, planting at roofs and water circulation system in residential complex are compulsory. Green network based on environmentally friendly development provides a natural energe stream on eco-system and protects a city from air pollution, hot air island phenomenon and a flood.



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