공동주택 배치 계획에 따른단지내 일조 환경 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Variation of Solar Access Right of Apartment Buildings According to Site Planning

  • 발행 : 2004.12.30


In Korea, the apartment buildings have been constructed recently in large quantities to provide housing due to the gravitation of population towards large cities. However, because of this trend toward high-rise apartment, a number of problems are occurred such as the deterioration of comfort in the dwelling environment and the lack of solar access right in apartment buildings. In the building law, the sunshine hour and the minimal separated distance between apartment buildings as regulated as the criteria for the site planning. Most of site planners, however, designed the apartment site only following minimum separated distance. As a result, the problem of sunshine hours lack is caused and legal dispute concerning solar access right is also arisen. The purpose of this study is to improve solar access right regulation and to help site design of apartment planning. Accordingly, we execute empirical analysis based on computer simulation in order to find suitable separated distance between typically designed apartment buildings. First, we estimated sunshine hours according to independent building orientation, height, and length. Second, we calculated sunshine hours in various case of apartment arrangement; parallel type, courtyard type, tower type and etc. with various separated distance.



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