전폐절제술후 주변 해부학적 구조물들에 의하여 전폐절제술후 증후군 증상이 드물게 나타난다. 전폐절제술후에는 경미한 호흡 곤란을 보이거나 전폐절제술후 증후군처럼 중증의 증상을 나타낸다. 전폐절제술쪽 흉곽으로 폐가 탈출되어 단일 흉곽소견(Buffalo chest)이 보이는 경우, 외상 또는 침습적 시술에 있어 각별한 주의가 요구된다.
A-59-year old man was admitted to the hospital with a 2-month history of the right pleuritic chest discomfort and mild dyspnea. Seven years earlier, he was operated on left pneumonectomy for squamous cell carcinoma of left upper lobe (Stage IIb, $T_2N_1M_0$). The computed tomographic scan revealed an anterior herniation of the right lung in the left hemithorax. A single thorax after receiving pneumonectomy is called a "buffalo chest" because the absence of an anatomical separation of the two hemithoraxes resembles that of the North American buffalo or bison. A possible pneumothorax should be catastrophic for the patient, so he should be closely monitored regarding any invasive procedure or trauma. He improved after symptomatic treatment.