셀레늄의 동물체내 대사 및 이용에 관한 고찰

Review for Selenium Metabolism and Its Bioavailability in the Animal

  • 김완영 (한국농업전문학교 축산학과) ;
  • 노환국 (한국농업전문학교 축산학과)
  • Kim, Wan-Young (Dept. of Ani. Sci., Korea National Agricultural College) ;
  • Nho, Whan-Gook (Dept. of Ani. Sci., Korea National Agricultural College)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.30


Se is essential for a number of enzymes that perform important metabolic functions necessary for good health. However, people in many countries do not appear to consume adequate amounts of Se to support the maximal expression of the selenoproteins and Se retention in the body of animals and humans is dependent on the ingested Se source such as organic and inorganic Se. Therefore, this review was discussed to explore metabolic characterization regarding intestinal absorption, bioavailability and selenoprotein synthesis according to animal species such as monogastrics including human beings and ruminants. Generally, organic Se provided to animals is more effective than inorganic Se in body retention for the animal owing to the difference of manner for intestinal absorption. But, Se absorption in ruminants depending on its chemical form still remained questioned by several microbial actions and feeding regimen in the rumen. And Se absorbed through small intestine is utilized for the synthesis of selenoproteins and/or retained as selenoamino acids in the body. Retained Se in the body may be recycled to synthesize selenoproteins as lacked of dietary Se. In conclusion, desirable forms of Se ingestion in the animal may be useful for Se fortification in animal products as well as well being for humans and animals.
