Aggregate Container Transportation Planning in the Presence of Dynamic Demand and Three Types of Vehicles

동적 수요와 세 가지 차량형태를 고려한 총괄 컨테이너 운송계획

  • Ko, Chang-Seong (Department of Industrial Engineering, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Chung, Ki-Ho (Department of e-Business, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Shin, Jae-Young (Department of Logistics Engineering, Korea Maritime University)
  • 고창성 (경성대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 정기호 (경성대학교경영정보학과) ;
  • 신재영 (한국해양대학교 물류시스템공학과)
  • Received : 20030700
  • Accepted : 20031200
  • Published : 2004.03.31


At the present time, container transportation plays a key role in the international logistics and the efforts to increase the productivity of container logistics become essential for Korean trucking companies to survive in the domestic as well as global competition. This study suggests an approach for determining fleet size for container road transportation with dynamic demand. Usually the vehicles operated by the transportation trucking companies in Korea can be classified into three types depending on the ways how their expenses occur; company-owned truck, mandated truck which is owned by outsider who entrust the company with its operation, and rented vehicle (outsourcing). Annually the trucking companies should decide how many company-owned and mandated trucks will be operated considering vehicle types and the transportation demands. With the forecasted monthly data for the volume of containers to be transported a year, a heuristic algorithm using tabu search is developed to determine the number of company-owned trucks, mandated trucks, and rented trucks in order to minimize the expected annual operating cost. The idea of the algorithm is based on both the aggregate production planning (APP) and the pickup-and-delivery problem (PDP). Finally the algorithm is tested for the problem how the trucking company determines the fleet size for transporting containers.



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