A Study on Improvement of National Pension System for Ensuring Elderly Women's Incomes

여성의 노후소득보장을 위한 국민연금제도의 개선방안

  • Lee, Jae-Hee (Department of Familylife Welfare, Kosin University)
  • 이재희 (고신대학교 가정복지학과)
  • Published : 2004.08.31


The current national pension system tends to be sexually discriminatory in that it excludes elderly women. It is because the system is based on family incomes usually earned by men. Considering structural changes in a family - for example, a growing divorce rate, an increasing number of unmarried couples living together, and broken families - and socio-economic changes - such as an improved level of women's education and more female participation in economic activities, this paper will make some suggestions as follows: 1) to introduce basic pension system which guarantees incomes for the elderly with "one pension per person" policy; 2) to enlarge voluntary enrollment; 3) to implement pension credit system which pays women allowances for childbirth and upbringing; 4) to improve ways of allotting retirement pension of a husband; also to provide for an elderly woman both divided pension that derives from her husband's pension and an old-age pension of her own.
