경기장 지붕의 막구조가 잔디생육에 미치는 광환경에 대한 영향분석

Analysis of Light Environment to Turfgrass Growth under the Roof Membrane on Stadium

  • 주영규 (연세대학교 응용과학부 생물자원공학과) ;
  • 이동익 (연세대학교 응용과학부 생물자원공학과) ;
  • 송규동 (한양대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 심규열 (한국잔디연구소)
  • Joo Young Kyoo (Dept. of Biological Resources and Technology, Yonsei Univ.,) ;
  • Lee Dong Ik (Dept. of Biological Resources and Technology, Yonsei Univ.,) ;
  • Song Kyoo D. (Dept. of Architectural Eng., Hanyang Univ.,) ;
  • Shim Gyu-Yul (Korea Turfgrass Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This study was conducted to analyze the effect of roof membrane on light environment that influence on turfgrass growth under domed stadium. Roof structure on experimental plot was constructed with PTFE and PE same as Busan Asiad Main Stadium. Tested turfgrass species were combinations of cool-season grasses(Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, $KBG80+PR20\%,\;KBG33+PR33+Fine fescue33\%)$ and warm-season grasses(zoysiagrass, 'An-yang middle-leaf, 'Zenith', Bermudagrass) established with seeding or sodding. The experimental set-up and research work were initiated November 1999 and finished on August 2000 at near Busan Asiad Main Stadium. By the result of computer simulation of daylight radiant energies on the turf surface were lower than needs of normal sport turf growth. The shortage of radiant resulted pest infection on cool-season grass mixture compared with warm-season. But turf color and density showed the best results on Kentucky bluegrass or its mixture plot. Over all the results showed that the best quality of turfgrass growth was occurred on full sun area, and the next was under PTFE membrane. The application of artificial lighting system may increase the turfgrass growth under domed stadium(partially) covered with roof membrane.



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