A Lagrangian Based Scalar PDF Method for Turbulent Combustion Models

  • Moon, Hee-Jang (School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Hankuk Aviation University) ;
  • Borghi, Roland (IRPHE- UMR 6594 CNRS, ESM2 Technopole de Chateau Gombert)
  • Published : 2004.08.01


In this paper, a new 'presumed' Probability Density Function (PDF) approach coupled with a Lagrangian tracking method is proposed for turbulent combustion modeling. The test and the investigation of the model are conducted by comparing the model results with DNS data for a premixed flame subjected in a decaying turbulent field. The newly constructed PDF, which incorporates the instantaneous chemical reaction term, demonstrates consistent improvement over conventional assumed PDF models. It has been found that the time evolution of the mean scalar, the variance and the mean reaction rate are strongly influenced by a parameter deduced by a Lagrangian equation which takes into account explicitly the local reaction rate. Tests have been performed for a moderate Damkohler number, and it is expected the model may cover a broader range of Damkohler number. The comparison with the DNS data demonstrates that the proposed model may be promising and affordable for implementation in a moment-equation solver.



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