Experimental and Computational Studies on Flow Behavior Around Counter Rotating Blades in a Double-Spindle Deck

  • Chon, Woo-Chong (Nuclear Safety Analysis Department, Korea Nuclear Fuel Co. Ltd) ;
  • Amano, Ryoichi S. (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
  • Published : 2004.08.01


Experimental and computational studies were performed to determine the effects of different blade designs on a flow pattern inside a double-spindle counter rotating mower deck. In the experimental study, two different blade models were tested by measuring air velocities using a forward-scatter LDV system. The velocity measurements were taken at several different azimuth and axial sections inside the deck. The measured velocity distributions clarified the air flow pattern caused by the rotating blades and demonstrated the effects of deck and blade designs. A high-speed video camera and a sound level meter were used for flow visualization and noise level measurement. In the computational works, two-dimensional blade shapes at several arbitrary radial sections have been selected for flow computations around the blade model. For three-dimensional computation applied a non-inertia coordinate system, a flow field around the entire three-dimensional blade shape is used to evaluate flow patterns in order to take radial flow interactions into account. The computational results were compared with the experimental results.



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