A Computer-Aided Inspection Planning System for On-Machine Measurement - Part II : Local Inspection Planning -

  • Published : 2004.08.01


As a part II of theis research, new local inspection planning strategy is proposed in this paper based on the proposed inspection feature extraction method. In the local inspection planning stage, each feature is decomposed into its constituent geometric elements for more effective inspection planning. The local inspection planning for the decomposed features are performed to determine: (1) the suitable number of measuring points, (2) their locations, and (3) the optimum probing paths to minimize measuring errors and times. The fuzzy set theory, the Hammersley's algorithm and the TSP method are applied for the local inspection planning. Also, a new collision checking algorithm is proposed for the probe and/or probe holder based on the Z-map concept. Finally, the results are simulated and analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.



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