Two approximate methods for a cosmic radiation shielding calculation in low earth orbits were developed and assessed. Those are a sectoring method and a chord-length distribution method. In order to simulate a change in cosmic radiation environments along the satellite mission trajectory, IGRF model and AP(E)-8 model were used. When the approximate methods were applied, the geometrical model of satellite structure was approximated as one-dimensional slabs, and a pre-calculated dose-depth conversion function was introduced to simplify the dose calculation process. Verification was performed with mission data of KITSAT-1 and the calculated results were also compared with detailed 3-dimensional calculation results using Monte Carlo calculation. Dose results from the approximate methods were conservatively higher than Monte Carlo results, but were lower than experimental data in total dose rate. Differences between calculation and experimental data seem to come from the AP-8 model, for which it is reported that fluxes of proton are underestimated. We confirmed that the developed approximate method can be applied to commercial satellite shielding calculations. It is also found that commercial products of semi-conductors can be damaged due to total ionizing dose under LEO radiation environment. An intensive shielding analysis should be taken into account when commercial devices are used.