광양만에서 채집된 줄망둑 (Acentrogobius pflaumi)의 성숙과 산란

Maturation and Spawning of Striped Goby (Acentrogobius pflaumi) (Teleostei; Gobiidae) Collected in the Gwangyang Bay, Korea

  • BAECK Gun Wook (Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University) ;
  • KIM Jae Won (Marine Biology, Pukyong National University) ;
  • HUH Sung-Hoi (Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Maturation and spawning of Acentrogobius pflaumi were studied using samples collected from the Gwangyang Bay, Korea, from January to December, 1999. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of the female was the highest in May. The spawning season lasted from May to June. There was a significant difference in the 1 : 0.59 sex ratio between males and females (p<0.01). The percentage of sexually mature females was over $50\%$ for the size group between 4.5 cm and 4.9 cm, and $100\%$ for the size group over 5.5 cm in body length. The size of eggs spawned was between 0.4 to 0.6 mm, and the spawning occured once a year. Fecundity varied between 3,600 and 9,700 eggs. The relationship between the fecundity and body length of the fish was expressed in the fecundity equation as; $F=0.294{\times}10^3\;BL^{1.899}.$ The first spawning length was 4 cm BL.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 해초지에서 서식하는 점줄망둑(Acentrogobius pellidebilis)의 먹이습성 vol.46, pp.4, 2010,
  2. Abundance and Distribution of the Non-indigenous Acentrogobius pflaumii and Native Gobiids in a Temperate Australian Estuary vol.42, pp.6, 2004,
  3. Marine Environmental Studies in Gwangyang Bay, Korea: Past, Present, and Future Direction vol.24, pp.4, 2021,