A Study of the Relationship between Parental Alcohol Problems and Alcohol Use among Adolescent Females in Republic of Korea

  • Shin, Dong-Eok (School of social work, Virginia Commonwealth University) ;
  • Delva, Jorge (School of Social Work and Institue for Social Research, University of Michigan)
  • Published : 2004.09.01


Objectives : The study was designed to test if alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among adolescent females are related to their parents' level of alcohol problems. Methods : In 2001, a stratified sample of 2077 adolescent females, grades 10-11, from twelve female-only high schools located in a large metropolitan city in the Republic of Korea completed a questionnaire about alcohol use, parental attention, and parental alcohol consumption, and other risk and protective factors. Data were analyzed with chi-square and regression analyses. Results : Nearly 63% of the student drinkers had experienced at least one to two alcohol-related problems in their lives. Two-thirds of all 2077 students indicated that at least one of their parents had an alcohol-related problem and that approximately 29% had experienced several problems. Results of random effects ordinal logistic regression analyses suggest a dose-response relationship between parental and youth alcohol-related problems. Youth who report having parents with some and many alcohol problems were 30% (Odds Ratios [OR] = 1.30; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 1.10 - 1.53) and 55% (OR = 1.55; 95%CI = 1.23 - 1.95) more likely to experience alcohol-related problems than youth whose parents do not have alcohol problems, respectively, after statistically adjusting for important covariates. Conclusions : This study presents evidence that alcohol-related problems among adolescent female students is highly prevalent. Also, the study findings reveal a high percentage of parents with alcohol problems, as reported by students. This study presents evidence of what might be a hidden problem among adults and youths in the Republic of Korea that merits serious attention.



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