패션기업의 패션정보 활용

Fashion Firm's Utilization of Fashion Information

  • 투고 : 2004.10.07
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


In today's fashion industry, directions for new products and high value added of fashion goods, product changes according to cycles, the shortening of life cycles, added value, planned obsolescence, and presentation is focused on fashion trends that will be selected by many consumers at the point of selling time. Therefore fashion information poses great importance and its weight is growing bigger everyday. Fashion information recognized to be important is reflected practically in the prediction of fashion changes in the fashion industry; especially, it is the first stage of the merchandising process that is the course of new product development. Presently, with some differences according to the size and specialized area of a firm, domestic fashion menufacturers obtain information from sales data of competing brands and their own, market information, consumer information based on primary data, shared fashion trend information given by domestic fashion information providing companies. Firms can not produce differentiated images and product concepts using such shared information. Although the types, importance and reflection of used information vary according to merchandising processes, all experts engaging in the merchandising of fashion products use the same shared information.



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