연꽃 문양을 이용한 직물디자인 개발 및 문화상품 제작(II)

The Development of Textile Design and The Manufacture of Cultural Merchandise by Using Lotus Flower Patterns(II)

  • 정진순 (세명대학교 의상섬유디자인학과)
  • Jung, Jin-Soun (Dept. of Clothing & Textile Design, Semyung University)
  • 투고 : 2004.02.09
  • 발행 : 2004.08.30


In an information-oriented and internationalized society of the future, the quality and the price of goods made by each country will be equalized. That eliminates competition. But the design and appearance of products is an important factor in international competition. Indeed, design symbolizes a country's culture visually, and it can show the cultural identity and originality of a nation in international society. And that will play an important part that can contribute to creating added value. It is necessary to revive our people's old lyrical stories which are far away from our memory, and we badly need design development to revive traditional cultural merchandise through visual modernization. In this study, I chose lotus as the subject material of textile design development. And my intention for this study is to reflect Korean traditional cultural value as much as I can, and to develop textile design of Korean images by adding modern scenes. Also, I intend to print them on fabric, and apply them to cultural merchandise including scarves and ties, by using digital textile printing systems. The reasons for doing so, are to create high added value, and to let other peoples of the world, know about our excellent culture.



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