A Study on the Changes of the Five-Class Mourning Costume-System in the Koryo Dynasty and the Early Years of the Chosun Dynasty

고려시대와 조선초기 오복제도 변화에 관한 연구

  • 전혜숙 (동아대학교 의상섬유학부) ;
  • 권이순 (동아대학교 가정교육학과)
  • Received : 2003.08.14
  • Published : 2004.04.30


In this study, the settlement of this etiquette book and the five-class mourning-costume system throughout two dynasties is examined and analyzed.; According to the Chosun dynasty's efforts to practice Chu-Ja-Ga-Rye(朱子家禮, Chu Hsi's Book of Family Rituals) through legal intensification and enlightenment policies, the book's teachings had a general effect on society at large. As a result, the family system and funeral rites turned Confucian from a Shaman-Buddhist mixture. As the Confucian order was strengthened to highlight the authority of the male family head, the funeral rituals were based on Chu Hsi's Book of Family Rituals. So, the 100-day funeral of Koryo turned into the 3-year funeral in the Chosun dynasty. Also, the main and father's lines were valued, while the mother's and wife's lines were neglected. Even though there was no great difference of status or place between males and females in the Koryo dynasty, the settlement of Chu-Ja-Ga-Rye brought about the drop of women's status as they gradually began to be dependent on men.



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  15. 經國大典
  16. 高麗史志 18禮 6國恤, 后妃
  17. 論語 爲政
  18. 唐開元禮 . 凶禮
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