슬랙스의 무릎절개선 활용에 따른 의복압 및 착용감

Clothing Pressure and Subjective Sensations in Slacks using the Cutting Lines of the Knee Parts

  • 이정숙 (창원전문대학 패션디자인과) ;
  • 성수광 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션산업학전공)
  • 투고 : 2003.07.15
  • 발행 : 2004.02.29


The present study attempted to consider the effects of cutting lines in the knee parts of slacks on the clothing pressure and comfort. The study compared and analyzed the pressure imposed to the body in a stooping position and the consequent sensations felt by the wearer according to the slack shapes. The conclusion was drawn as follows: The pressure imposed by the slacks to the body is greater on the two points slightly upper and lower from the knee point than on the knee point itself, regardless of the slack shapes. Clothing pressure was lower in the slacks with 10 cm-wide and 14 cm-wide cutting lines in the knee parts than those with 18 cm-wide cutting lines. Subjective sensations felt in the knee parts were analyzed according to slacks shapes. As a result, it was found that slacks without cutting lines on the knee parts or with sewing lines far from the knee points were more comfortable. In slacks construction, the use of cutting lines in the knee parts can decrease pressure imposed to the knee area or improve the comfort of the slacks. When designing slacks, however, overall appearance should be considered and the weakness of cutting line that makes legs look shorter should also be complemented.



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