음이온(SED)/양쪽성(TDB, ODB) 계면활성제 혼합미셀의 물리화학적 특성

Physical Characteristics of Anion(SDE)/Zwitterionic(TDB, ODB) Surfactants in Mixed Micelles

  • 안범수 (대진대학교 자연과학대학 화학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.30


The interaction between anion and zwitterionic surfactants was investigated by means of surface tension, NMR spectroscopy, and fluorescence studies. These systems are N-tetradecyloxymethyl-N,N-dimethyl betaine ($C_{14}$, TDB), N-octadecyloxymethyl-N,Ndimethyl betaine ($C_{18}$, ODB), and sodium dodecylethoxy sulfate (SDE). These systems show a composition dependency in micellar properties. When the molar fraction of TDB and ODB was about 0.6, the cmc values of these systems showed minima, whereas the solubilized amount of a water insoluble dye, NMR line width showed maxima. These changes comes from the intramolecular complexes formed in the mixed micelles. The complexes are due to the electrostatic interaction of oppositely charged head groups of betaine and sodium dodecylethoxy sulfate. A comparison of betaine and SDE alkyl methylene group line widths to those of n-methyl group indicates that the interior of the micelle in the restricted region is more immobile than the head group.



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