Tension stiffening effect of RC panels subject to biaxial stresses

  • Kwak, Hyo-Gyoung (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST) ;
  • Kim, Do-Yeon (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.25


An analytical model which can simulate the post-cracking nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) members such as bars and panels subject to uniaxial and biaxial stresses is presented. The proposed model includes the description of biaxial failure criteria and the average stress-strain relation of reinforcing steel. Based on strain distribution functions of steel and concrete after cracking, a criterion to consider the tension-stiffening effect is proposed using the concept of average stresses and strains. The validity of the introduced model is established by comparing the analytical predictions for reinforced concrete uniaxial tension members with results from experimental studies. In advance, correlation studies between analytical results and experimental data are also extended to RC panels subject to biaxial tensile stresses to verify the efficiency of the proposed model and to identify the significance of various effects on the response of biaxially loaded reinforced concrete panels.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Mechanical Properties of Prestressed Concrete Members with Inclined Tendon Configuration Subjected to Uniaxial and Biaxial Loading pp.2191-4281, 2018,