A novel meso-mechanical model for concrete fracture

  • Ince, R. (Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Firat University)
  • 투고 : 2003.01.23
  • 심사 : 2004.03.08
  • 발행 : 2004.07.25


Concrete is a composite material and at meso-level, may be assumed to be composed of three phases: aggregate, mortar-matrix and aggregate-matrix interface. It is postulated herein that although non-linear material parameters are generally used to model this composite structure by finite element method, linear elastic fracture mechanics principles can be used for modelling at the meso level, if the properties of all three phases are known. For this reason, a novel meso-mechanical approach for concrete fracture which uses the composite material model with distributed-phase for elastic properties of phases and considers the size effect according to linear elastic fracture mechanics for strength properties of phases is presented in this paper. Consequently, the developed model needs two parameters such as compressive strength and maximum grain size of concrete. The model is applied to three most popular fracture mechanics approaches for concrete namely the two-parameter model, the effective crack model and the size effect model. It is concluded that the developed model well agrees with considered approaches.



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