Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society (한국산학기술학회논문지)
- Volume 5 Issue 6
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- Pages.562-570
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- 2004
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- 1975-4701(pISSN)
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- 2288-4688(eISSN)
A Study on the Improvement of REITs in Korea
부동산 투자회사(REITs)제도 개선방안에 대한 연구
Since 2001, REITs are introduced in Korea as a type of general REITs and CR-REITs. But REITs are not succefully settled down in Korea. The purpose of the study is to propose the way to activate REITs in Korea. We should make up for the weak points in the current REITs system. For the success of REITs the followings are prepared.: first, REITs give a current, stable dividend income. second, disclosure obligations should be satisfied. third, securities are registered with the SEC are required to make regular SEC disclosures. fourth, REIT manager should be skilled, experienced real estate professionals. sixth, REITs must distribute more percent of its taxable income to its shareholders. seventh, Ownership interests be more flexible.
REIT(부동산투자회사)가 우리나라에 도입된 지 몇 년이 경과하였으나 CR-REITs 이외에는 아직 활성화되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. REITs가 활성화되면 부동산 투자수익률에 대한 합리적인 기대를 바탕으로 부동산 간접투자가 증대하게 될 것이다. REITs의 활성화를 위해서는 세제혜택, 설립 및 운영기준의 완화, 소액투자자 보호제도의 정비, 회계기준의 신설, 자산운용규정의 정비, 1인당 소유지분의 확대, 자산구성비율 완화 등의 조치를 검토해야 한다.