준거집단이 공중행동에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on the effect of reference groups influences on public attitude

  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


The term "social marketing" was first introduced in 1971 to describe the use of marketing principles and techniques to advance a social cause, idea, or behavior. Social Marketing is a strategy for changing behavior. It utilizes concepts of market segmentation, consumer research, product concept development and testing, directed communication, facilitation, incentives, and exchange theory to maximize the target adopters' response. Social marketing requires knowledge of each target-adopter group, including its 1. social demographic characteristics, 2. psychological profile and 3. behavioral characteristics. To know the target adopters in these three related ways enables social marketer to make more accurate predictions. In addition to differentiating among and selecting target adopter groups, the social marketer will identify influence-holding groups, or influentials, who can affect a program's success. Great changes and opportunities exist to produce changes in the ways that individuals and groups think and behave and in meeting human needs. The balance of the scales of social change, we hope, will shift away from the use of force and violence to the use of persuasion and voluntary action. I trust that this dissertation will be useful highlighting the strategies and means of peaceful, planned social change designed to elevate the quality of life.
