Extension Educator's Role with Farmers' Markets in Rural America

미국의 농민시장에서 농촌지도요원의 역할

  • Published : 2004.12.31


This study aims to explore the benefits and extension's role with farmers' markets in USA. This study was conducted by literature review and case study. They help establish connections between consumers and food producers, provide an additional income source for farmers. and in general, serve as a tool for community development. First, from education to advocacy, from research to advising, extension educators have multiple roles to play in promoting the growth of farmers' markets. Second, it is essential that extension engage others who are interested in seeing the markets succeed and create opportunities for such groups to make the market unique in their given communities. Third, extension promotes farmers' markets through the creation and dissemination of how-to publications. These publications typically include tips about having a market establishing a prominent and easily accessible market location, and offering a sufficient product variety to ensure consumer satisfaction. Fourth, efforts by extension offices are already paying off for consumers, vendors, and communities. Involving those who will purchase as well as produce the foods sold at who will purchase as well as produce the foods sold at farmers' markets should diversify the audience extension educators reach. Fifth, extension educators can aid in this effort by encouraging farmers' market vendors to diversify their of offerings and to produce and sell value-added products. Sixth, many extension offices offer guides to the direct marketing venues in their counties, such as farmers' markets, pick your own operations, roadside stands, and community supported apiculture farms. Once such a guide is produced. extension educators can distribute it at workshops and inform local media about the guide so that they can publicize it. Seventh, extension educators should seek to involve those groups who can collaborators could include community economic development organizations, consumer groups, churches, food banks, land preservation organizations, school, farmers' organizations, and other community groups. Eighth, extension educators can also contribute to the improvement of existing markets by offering workshops for vendors in business management, advertizing, marketing, bookkeeping, personnel management, and food preservation. Ninth, farmer's market also provide an opportunity for extension to have face-to face communication with farmers. Tenth, if farmers' markets are well managed, these markets can provide economic, nutritive, educational, social and psychological benefits to venders and the community.
